Monday, July 28, 2008


Dear ALL, This is a very good article.
Those who are still single may learn something from here...
Those who are already married may take it
as a guideline to improve your marriage & relationship ....

During one of our seminars,
a woman asked a common question.
She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?"
I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said,
"It depends. Is that your husband?" In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?"
Let me answer this question because the chances
are good that it's weighing on your mind.
Here's the answer.

EVERY relationship has a cycle.
In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse / partner .
You anticipated their call, wanted their touch,
and liked their idiosyncrasies (unconventional behavior/habit).
Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard.
In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything.

That's why it's called "falling" in love...
Because it's happening TO YOU.
People in love sometimes say, "I was swept of my feet."
Think about the imagery of that __expression.
It implies that you were just standing there;
doing nothing, and then something came along and happened TO YOU.
Falling in love is easy.
It's a passive and spontaneous experience.

But after a few years of marriage,
the euphoria (excitement) of love fades.
It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship.
Slowly but surely,
phone calls become a bother (if they come at all),
touch is not always welcome (when it happens),
and your spouse's idiosyncrasies,
instead of being cute, drive you nuts.
The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship,
but if you think about your marriage,
you will notice a dramatic difference
between the initial stage when you were in love
and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.
At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking,
"Did I marry the right person?"

And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria
of the love you once had,
you may begin to desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown.
People blame their spouse for their unhappiness
and look outside their marriage for fulfillment.
Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes.
Infidelity is the most obvious.

But sometimes people turn to work,
a hobby, a friendship, excessive TV,
or abusive substances.
But the answer to this dilemma
does NOT lie outside your marriage. It lies within it. I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else.
You could. And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better.
But you'd be in the same situation a few years later.
Because (listen carefully to this):

SUSTAINING love is not a passive
or spontaneous experience.
It'll NEVER just happen to you.
You can't "find" LASTING love.
You have to "make" it day in and day out.
That's why we have the __expression "the labor of love."
Because it takes time, effort, and energy.
And most importantly, it takes WISDOM.
You have to know WHAT TO DO
to make your marriage work.
Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery.
There are specific things you can do
(with or without your spouse)
to succeed with your marriage.
Just as there are physical laws
of the universe (such as gravity),
there are also laws for relationships.

Just as the right diet and exercise program
makes you physically stronger,
certain habits in your relationship
WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and effect.
If you know and apply the laws,
the results are predictable. .. you can "make" love.
Love in marriage is indeed a "decision".. .
Not just a feeling.

Remember this always:
"God determines who walks into your life.
It is up to you to decide who you let walk away,
who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go."


Es hash ei Ka Ei en said...

'idiosyncrasies' berbelit lidah aku membace nye..

but aniwei.. it's nice n good article..

aceli a few week ni aku ade terpk nk wat entry yg lbh kurang sme gak maksud dan penyampaian nye.. tp bkn psl married la .. but yet still psl psgn idup .. sumthing like ' adkh kita yakin si dia itu adlh pilihan yg tepat?'

bila kita jumpe n kenal seseorg tu.. kita jd mesra.. n suddenly perasaan asing menjelma .. u noe wht it's like huh .. when 'there is butterfly in ur stomach' huhuhu..then u started asking ur self.. is HE/SHE org yg ditakdirkan tuhan menjd psgn hidup kita??? mungkin kah sy dan dia hanya sekdr teman.. or akhirnya menjd lbh dr itu?? .. hurmmmm..

and the most important is .. bila kita da decide dlm hati yg dia itu adlh ORGNYA.. kita akn mula tertanya.. adkh pilihan kita ini betul???

and u noe what.. mende ni sume xkn stop .. persoalan ni akn terus bermain dan bermain dlm kepala hotak kita ni sampai biler² .. terutama skali bile ade mslh melanda .. kannnnnnnn..

arghhhhhh.. bila pk mende ni aku mula saket otak.. otomatik saket oke.. jdnye.. xperlu pk sgt..

kita tnye hati kita berapa percent sbrnye kita yakin dgn pilihan kita.. then kalo more than 80% .. then i thing it's enuf!.. just go on wit ur relationship .. sambil berdoa yg tuhan akan bantu kita dlm perhubungan yg dah terjalin ini..

insyaallah.. :)

Unknown said...

ko nye komen leh wat 1 g entry...hahaha...

hmm lbih kurang gtu la aku la..kta x married g adapt tuh dlm situasi kita skang iaitu utk tentukan pasangan idup sori..bkn tentukan..dlm memilih psangan idup kita.. persoalan ni akan slalu dtg.. btui salah...ya mcm ko ckp..especially bla sdg bmasalah..hmm moga kita buat pilihan yg baik kn..

<--mcm ko..pnt gak nk pk... :-<

Es hash ei Ka Ei en said...

tu la tu .. dah leh jd entry br ni =))

kan aku da bilang aku nk wat entry cani gak xjd lah kang jd lg isu 'pendua' :|


berpikir mmg sgt penat... huhuhu kasihan otak kan kan .. hurmm.. haizzz... hurmmm [masih berpk dan berpk ..]